A few years ago I went on the journey to build 46cm handpans.

My highly esteemed colleague Zachary Lamscha (a great handpan builder) from Leaf Soundsculptures and I had elaborate thermoforming tools built to have the best possible quality of raw shells as a basis for us.

For some time now, I have also been exploring the size 44cm. I have to emphasize again and again that building small instruments is often more difficult for me than the big ones. The reason for this is that you have to accommodate a wide variety of frequencies in a much smaller space and at the same time make sure that none of these frequencies/sound fields interfere with the others.

This requires a lot of experience and I can say with a good heart that I almost gave up building the little ones at first. But time and many attempts eventually gave the results I had always dreamed of.

In times of an ever-growing handpan mass market, it is important to me to build scales with these instruments from time to time, which did not exist in these sizes before, in other words: to dare something that may require a lot of experimentation and perhaps a few failed attempts.

I do not offer all of these scales to order. The reason for this is that some are very difficult to build and I have to be in the right energy to face such a task.

Here I can list some scales that I am currently building to order. I only list the top. Of course, you can also build bottom notes. If you are interested in special individual pieces/rare scales that I post on social media from time to time, you can subscribe to the newsletter. If such an instrument becomes available, I will post it there.

Bottom notes should not be deeper than D3. The number of possible bottom notes depends on their size from 4 to approx. 6 (more is possible, but difficult).

USE THE “HANDPANER” TOOL (www.handpaner.com) TO TRY OUT THE SCALES. Simply copy the desired scale into the tool below and play.

Taopan Handpan Scales 44cm
A2 Kian
A2/ A3 C4 D4 E4 A4 C5 D5 E5

B2 KanSan
B2/ B3 D4 E4 F#4 G4 B4 D5 F#5

B2 Kan
B2/ B3 D4 E4 F#4 G4 B4 C#5 D5

C3 Kan
C3/ C4 D#4 F4 G4 G#4 C5 D#5 E5

C3 Mystery
C3/ C4 D#4 G4 G#4 C5 D5 D#5 G5

D3 Minor Variation 1
D3/ A3 D4 E4 F4 A4 A#4 C5 D5

D3 Minor Variation 2
D3/ D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 D5 F5

D3 Minor Variation 3
D3/ D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 C5 D5 E5

E3 Onoleo
E3/ B3 C4 E4 G#4 A4 B4 C5 E5

E3 Celtic Variation
E3/ B3 E4 F#4 G4 A4 B4 D5 E5

F3 Hijaz
F3/ C4 C#4 E4 F4 G4 G#4 A#4 C5

F3 Aegean
F3/ A3 C4 E4 F4 A4 B4 C5 E5

G3 Hijaz
G3/ D4 D#4 F#4 G4 A4 A#4 C5 D5

G3 Aeolian

G3/ C4 D4 D#4 F4 G4 G#4 A#4 C5

G3 Akebono
G3/ C4 D4 D#4 G4 G#4 C5 D5 D#5

F3 Amara
F3/ C4 D#4 F4 G4 G#4 A#4 C5 D#5

F3 Anahata
F3/ C4 D4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 C5 F5

G3 Dorian
G3/ D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 C5 D5

G3 High Avalon
G3/ A#3 C4 D4 D#4 G4 A#4 C5 D5

G3 Insen Variation
G3/ D4 D#4 G4 A4 A#4 C5 D5 G5

F3 Kurd
F3/ C4 C#4 D#4 F4 G4 G#4 A#4 C5

G3 Kurd
G3/ D4 D#4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 C5 D5

G3 Low Pygmy
G3/ A4 A#4 D4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 D5

G3 Romanian Hijaz
G3/ C4 D4 D#4 F#4 G4 A4 A#4 D5

G3 Raga Desh
G3/ B3 C4 D4 F4 G4 B4 C5 D5

G#3 Harmonic Minor Variation G#3/ C#4 D#4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 C5 D#5
F3 Ysha Savita
F3/ C4 E4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 C5 F5


Taopan Handpan Scales 46cm
I also build scales in G2 / G#2 / A2 / Bb2 / B2 / C3 / C#3

B2 Keylam
B2/ B3 D4 E4 F#4 G4 B4 C#5 D5

B2 Mystery
B2/ B3 D4 F#4 G4 B3 C#5 D5 F#5

C3 Sahara
C3/ C4 D4 D#4 F#4 G4 A4 A#4 D5

C#3 Kan
C#3/ C#4 E4# F#4 G#4 A4 C#5 D#5 E5 D3

Celtic Minor Variation D3/A3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 D5

D3 Minor Variation
D3/ D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 D5 F5

D3 Minor Variation 2
D3/ D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 C5 D5 E5

D#3 Manura
D#3 / Bb3 D#4 F4 F#4 G#4 Bb4 C#5 F5

D#3 Mystery
C#3/ C#4 E4 G#4 A4 C#5 D#5 E5 G#5

E3/ B3 D4 E4 F#4 G4 B4 D5 E5

Lliira 2
E3/ B3 C4 E4 F#4 G4 B4 D5 E5

Lliira 3
E3/ B3 D4 E4 F4 G#4 A4 B4 D5

E3 Amara
E3/ B3 D4 E4 F#4 G4 A4 B4 D5

E3 Ysha Savita
E3/ B3 D#4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 B4 E5

E3 Manura
E3/ B3 E4 F#4 G4 A4 B4 D4 F#5

F#3 Hijaz
F#3/ C#4 D4 F4 F#4 G#4 A4 B4 C#5

F#3 Integral
F#3/ C#4 D4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 B4 C#5

F#3 Amara
F#3/ C#4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 B4 C#5 E5


F#3 Equinox
F#4/ A4 C#4 D4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 C#5

F#3 Ysha Savita
F3#/ C#4 F4 F#4 G#4 A#4 B4 C#5 F#5

F#3 Equinox
F#3/ A3 C#4 D4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 C#5

F#3 Arboreal
F#3/ C#4 D4 E4 F#4 A4 C#5 D5 E5

F#3 Dorian
F#3/ C#4 D#4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 B4 C#5

F#3 Magic Voyage
F#3/ A3 C#4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 C#5 E5

F#3 Oriental
F#3/ C#4 F#4 G4 Bb4 B4 C#5 D5 F#5

F#3 Ursa Minor
F#3/ C#4 D4 F#4 G#4 A4 B4 C#5 F#5

F#3 Romanian Hijaz
F#3/ B3 C#4 D4 F4 F#4 G#4 A4 C#5

F#3 La Sirena
F#3/ A3 C#4 D#4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 C#5

F#3 Pygmy
F#3/ B3 C#4 D4 F#4 A4 B4 C#5 D5

F#3 Minor
F#3/ B3 C#4 D4 F#4 G#4 A4 B4 C#5

G3 Magic Voyage
G3/ A#3 D4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 D5 F5

G3 Low Pygmy
G3/ A4 A#4 D4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 D5

G3 Romanian Hijaz
G3/ C4 D4 D#4 F#4 G4 A4 A#4 D5

G3 La Sirena
G3/ Bb3 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 D5

G3 Equinox
G3/ Bb3 D4 D#4 F4 G4 A4 A#4 D5

G3 Aegean
G3/ B3 D4 F#4 G4 B4 C#5 D5 F#5

G3 Raga Desaya Todi
G3/ B3 D4 E4 F#4 G4 A4 B4 D5

G#3 Minor
G#3/ C#4 D#4 E4 G#4 A#4 B4 C#5 D#5

G#3 Aeolian
G#3/ C#4 D#4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 B4 C#5

G#3 Cha Guo
G#3/ B3 C#4 F#4 G#4 B4 C#5 D#5 F#5

G#3 Pygmy
G#3/ C#4 D#4 E4 G#4 B4 C#5 D#5 E5

G#3 Ursa Minor
G#3/ D#4 E4 G#4 A#4 B4 C#5 D#5 G#5

G#3 Romanian Hijaz
G#3/ C#4 D#4 E4 G4 G#4 A#4 B4 D#5

A3 Raga Desh
A3/ C#4 D4 E4 G4 A4 C#5 D5 E5

Bb3 Minor
Bb3/ D#4 F4 F#4 A#4 C5 C#5 D#5 F5

Bb3 Hijaz
A#3/ F4 F#4 A4 A#4 C5 C#5 D#5 F5